18 Card Legacy – Game 1 Playtest

This is a post about the design and development of a currently unnamed Shipwreck Game. You can see the other Blog posts at the Index for the Game.

Quick shout out to all those that provided feed back after playing the PnP for Game 1. I truly appreciate you taking the time to make the very basic first game to check out how it plays. And obviously, I am still interested in hearing back from anyone.

Double Sided Cards

The first PnP had only 12 cards in the deck, and was tested as a single sided deck. So once I had the read more

18 Card Legacy – Game 1 for 2 Players

This is a post about the design and development of a currently unnamed Shipwreck Game. You can see the other Blog posts at the Index for the Game.

I have added the cards required for a full 2 player game. If you like the idea of the core mechanic of defeating villains to gain rewards, the complete game is below.

Page 1. Not required, if you have downloaded this previously.

Page 2. Has 5 more villain cards to make a deck of 12, a second Player Card and an updated Master Villain.

One page rules read more

18 Card Legacy – Master Villains & Game Play

This is a post about the design and development of a currently unnamed Shipwreck Game. You can see the other Blog posts at the Index for the Game.

Master Villains

The master villains (still searching for a unique name to use) will have a combat value, which is the amount you need to beat them. I have altered it, so that it mirrors the power circles on the player cards, and added a preliminary combat icon. Master villains can be made stronger over time, in the same way that the player cards can improve.

They also read more

18 Card Legacy – Player Cards

This is a post about the design and development of a currently unnamed Shipwreck Game. You can see the other Blog posts at the Index for the Game.

Player Character Development

There seem to be 3 essential elements of developing this legacy campaign: introducing new mechanics, developing player characters & completing harder tasks. These are very much intertwined, of course. And in a co-op combat game, the new mechanics directly develop the characters. This gives them the ability to complete the harder task of fighting read more