Dragonvale – Camping Event 2022 – Breed an Aquarian Dragon

A new zodiac dragon has arrived, with a specific parent and an element required to breed an Aquarian dragon.

Aquarian Dragon Announcement

Midnight + air

Midnight shares earth, cold & dark (even though it’s made by combining a Moon dragon (which shares cold & lightning) with a dark element … more on that below), so the regular air dragon hybrid with the shortest breed time is Snow. With an 8 hour breed time, it is too long. In this case, it will be better to use the hybrid with the shortest breed time, the opposite dragon, Sandstorm.

Aquarian dragon breed stats

It has a 3.3% breeding chance, which means 21 attempts for a 50/50 chance to breed an Aquarian dragon. Midnight + Sandstorm has an average fail of 14.13 hours. Multiplied by 21 attempts, equals 12.36 days for your even money shot.

Cloning an Aquarian dragon

Now, as I alluded above, the Midnight dragon shares earth, even though it’s not in the breeding combination that makes it. Based on it’s parentage, it would make sense if Midnight shared lightning instead. Similarly, Aquarian shares lightning (which is not shared by the parents) but not earth (which is). In short, it seems that the breeding substitute elements of Midnight are a mistake in the breeding rules. It’s possible DECA will fix this after the players bring this up. And if they do, I’ll edit this blog post.

But for the moment, the regular hybrid with the shortest breed time, made with the elements that Aquarian shares, is Storm.

Aquarian dragon clone stats

1% cloning chance, means 69 attempts for a 50/50 chance. 13.15 hours average fail time, multiplied by 69 attempts, equals 37.8 days for an even money chance of cloning one.

Now, we can combine the breeding and cloning chance, because Aquarian shares the air element you need. But because Midnight shares earth, and Aquarian shares lightning, there is actually 5 elements in the mix when you breed…

Midnight + Aquarian

Aquarian dragon breed clone stats

With 5 elements in the mix, we have nearly 50 fails, and end up with more than 100% of set percentages among the rare dragons. The 3.3% breed chance + the 1% clone chance gets reduced to 3.782%. This is still slightly better than just breeding alone, so only 18 attempts are needed for a 50/50 chance to breed an Aquarian dragon. However, the average fail time increases to 17.77 hours, because we have a lot of longer fails, like the olympus dragons. This means that it will take approximately 13.32 days for that even money chance. This is nearly a full day longer than just using the straight breeding combination.

So my breeding recommendation is Midnight + Sandstorm. Slightly lower breeding chance, but less long fails. Good luck one and all.

Thanks to Quill of the The Dragonvale Community Forum and the Dragonvale Compendium which they created and curate. It is an amazing resource made freely available to all.

All my Dragonvale posts are Indexed HERE for easy access.


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