Dragonvale – Camping Event 2022 – Camping Under the Stars

A brand new event has started, with a brand new type of epic dragon. The social cloning information for the 3 “permanent” event dragons are below, in order from easiest to hardest.

Gravity Dragon

First up is a new Galaxy dragon. It shares earth, water, air & dark, which means Mud is the regular hybrid with the shortest breed time.

Gravity dragon clone stats

10% social cloning chance, means 7 attempts needed for a 50/50 shot. Average fail time of 12.63 hours, equates to 3.68 days for an even money shot.

Cansian Dragon

The first of the new Zodiac dragons, Cansian shares cold, lightning & water. Storm is the regular hybrid with the shortest fail times.

Cansian dragon clone stats

Only a 1% cloning chance, means 69 attempts required for a 50/50 shot. 11.76 hours average fail time, and nearly 34 days for an even money chance.

Ariesian Dragon

The second Zodiac dragon shares all 10 regular elements. So Cactus or Poison are the best cloning partners.

Ariesian dragon clone stats

Only 1% social cloning chance for this dragon as well. But even though there are nearly 200 fails, the average fail time is still only 15.1 hours. There is such a slim chance of breeding any of the fails, apart from the extra 10% boost given to Cactus/Poison. Still, more than 43 days for a 50/50 shot of breeding an Ariesian dragon. Best of luck to everyone.

Thanks to Quill of the The Dragonvale Community Forum and the Dragonvale Compendium which they created and curate. It is an amazing resource made freely available to all.

All my Dragonvale posts are Indexed HERE for easy access.

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