Dragonvale – Halloween Event 2022 – Whitbee’s Candy Bash IX

The Halloween Event for 2022 has arrived, with an oddly familiar upside down look. It’s the Strangerest Thing …

There are 3 new permanent event dragons, and they all have a reasonable chance to be cloned. But as usual, we’ll look at the easiest first.

Edit: DECA has removed the water element from the Dortal dragon, and I have edited the text, and replaced table below. Interestingly, removing water increased the average fail time, and the time required for a 50/50 shot at breeding it. It is no longer the easiest to clone, but I have left it in first position, rather than reformat the entire post. – Shane

Edit the 2nd: And after reflection, it occurs to me, that adding the water element back into the mix will decrease the breeding time, back to the original. So I have changed the recommended cloning dragon to Seaweed. – Shane

Dortal Dragon

The Dortal dragon shares plant, water, air, light and dark, even though it can’t live in a water habitat. Adding water to the mix will decrease the average fail time, so we recommend Seaweed.

Dortal dragon clone stats

10% cloning chance, means you’ll have a 50/50 chance of getting one in 7 attempts. Average fail of 11.9 hours, means 3.47 days will give you an even money chance of collecting a Dortal dragon.

Grimoire Dragon

Grimoire shares cold, air, light & dark. Wind is also the best choice here.

Grimoire dragon clone stats

Another 10% clone chance; another 7 attempts for a 50/50 chance. 12.32 hours average fail time, means 3.59 days for an even money shot. an extra 7 hours and 12 minutes, compared to Dortal.

Vampir Dragon

Vampir shares fire, earth, cold & air. Blazing is the regular hybrid with the shortest breed time. I did check breeding with Sandstorm, with a breed time shorter by 6 hours, but using Blazing gives you the shortest average fail time.

Vampir dragon clone stats

Also with a 10% clone chance. But the longest average fail time of the 3, at 13.26 hours, means 3.87 days for an even money chance to clone. Good luck everyone.

Thanks to Quill of the The Dragonvale Community Forum and the Dragonvale Compendium which they created and curate. It is an amazing resource made freely available to all.

All my Dragonvale posts are Indexed HERE for easy access.

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