Dragonvale – Paradise Event 2021 – Breeding a Lazuli Dragon

The second limited event dragon is here, with another set breeding pair.

Lazuli Dragon Announcement

Lazuli Dragon

There are 4 regular elements in the mix; plant, fire, earth & metal; which can result in the following dragons, with the following fail times.

Lazuli dragon breed stats

Those dragons will give an average fail time of just over 16 hours. Lazuli dragon has a 4% chance, which means 17 attempts needed for a 50/50 shot. That will take 11.39 days. Breeding non stop for the 7 days it’s available, will give you a 36% chance of breeding it. Using an upgraded cave will decrease the average fail time by 20%, and increase your chances to 43.5%

Cloning a Lazuli Dragon

Lazuli shares the same 4 elements, plus water. Poison is the dragon made with these elements, with the shortest breed time.

Lazuli dragon clone stats

The average fail time drops to 13.81 hours, but the cloning chance is only 1.5%. This means a lot more chances, and over 26 days of non stop breeding. Trying non-stop in the CBC for 7 days will give you just under an 18% chance of breeding one.

Breed, don’t Clone

Bronze + Scarab is the way to go, in as many caves as possible. If you have one of these parents spare, then definitely try to breed for Lazuli in the CBC. Cloning should be a last resort. Good luck.

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