More Custom Legendary Dividers

Civil War Dividers

I have received the proofs of a few more sets of Dividers, and after checking the spelling, and the class count, etc, they are now available for sale. You can now buy the custom dividers for the marvel legendary sets:

Secret Wars Vol. 1 Dividers

All the sets can be accessed from the Shop page. There are currently 14 available, approximately half. More will be coming soon.

Villains custom Dividers

Blank Dividers

A lot of the sets contain blank dividers. 15 dividers are cut from a sheet. And rather than waste the space when we only need 11, it makes sense to produce some blanks. Now, I’m sure there are people that can think of a use for them. If anyone wanted to buy a set, and had a request for something specific, I would be happy to accommodate them.


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