Legacy or Make as You Play

I am in the middle of (maybe a third of the way through) a large blog post, and it is compelling and satisfying to work through, but it has been 3 weeks since I published last, so I came to write some more notes on my Shipwreck game. However, The rwinder recently put up a blog post, where he talks a little about a Solo play of Seafall, and a lot about the game design of Legacy and Make as You Play games. He asked for thoughts and comments, and these are mine, as they relate to my Shipwreck game.

My Experience with Legacy …

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Shipwreck Game – Tracking Player Stats

This is a post about the design and development of a currently unnamed Shipwreck Game. You can see the other Blog posts at the Index for the Game.

Tracking Player Stats

As the idea for game play has been percolating away, I have solidified the concepts regarding the Player Stats and how we might Track them. There will be 5 tracks of 13 squares, that will each hold a Cube during game play. T – Time (or Turns) that keeps track of the chronology of the game, M – Mental Health/Well-being, P – Physical read more

Shipwreck Game – Solo Play

This is a post about the design and development of a currently unnamed Shipwreck Game. You can see the other Blog posts at the Index for the Game.

1 Up

I am essentially going to be working on this as a Solo play game. Developing the story is somewhat independent of the player count, because it is about writing the narrative, and putting it into a format that can be looked up in an individual way based on choices made by the Player. This could work fine for an individual or a small party, but it feels read more

Shipwreck Game – The Deck of Cards

This is a post about the design and development of a currently unnamed Shipwreck Game. You can see the other Blog posts at the Index for the Game.

The Starting Deck

The game starts with a deck of 36 cards. The cards are blank initially, save for labels in two opposite corners, with the numbers 1 through 6 for each of 6 suits. These numbers and suits can be used for randomisation. By discarding from the deck, and referring to tables, a player can resolve questions as they come up. What is the terrain like? What does read more

Make as You Play

During my journey into board gaming, I have discovered Print n Play (PnP) games. You can get a copy of the game supplied in digital form, at little or no cost, print the game at home, and construct it into a form which allows you to play it. An example is when I play tested Tiny Ninjas, which required the simple creation of a deck of cards. There are plenty of games released specifically as a PnP game, read more