Dragonvale – Halloween Event 2022 – Whitbee’s Candy Bash IX

The Halloween Event for 2022 has arrived, with an oddly familiar upside down look. It’s the Strangerest Thing …

There are 3 new permanent event dragons, and they all have a reasonable chance to be cloned. But as usual, we’ll look at the easiest first.

Edit: DECA has removed the water element from the Dortal dragon, and I have edited the text, and replaced table below. Interestingly, removing water increased the average fail time, and the time required read more

Breeding Twins in Dragonvale – Cap at Attempt 19

This is the second post about an investigation into the chances of breeding Twins in Dragonvale. Post 1 can be read HERE.

I’ve bred more than 150 twins, and added my data to the original from Axew. The tables and graph look like this.

Dragonvale Twins Data - 252 Breeds

The number of twins bred on attempts 6, 9 and 11 are outliers to the curve seen in the graph, and probably just due to the sample size. I can’t imagine game designers intentionally messing with the numbers this way. It would be a lot of work, for no read more

Breed a Twin in Dragonvale – What are the chances?

The Cooperative Breeding Cave (CBC) was added to the Dragonvale in its 4th year, as a way of allowing some interaction between players. You can breed one of your dragons with the dragon of a friend. This can give you access to dragons you don’t have, for cloning purposes, and/or to use in specific breeding combinations. It also gives you a new type of dragon to collect …


Twin Banner

“Sometimes Cooperative Breeding can result in twins, one for each participating player. Twins are read more

Dragonvale – Camping Event 2022 – Breed a Taurian Dragon

The last limited dragon of the “Camping Under the Stars” event has arrived, and it is a 6th zodiac dragon. Like the others, you need a specific parent plus it’s astrological element to breed a Taurian dragon.

Taurian dragon Announcement

Midday + earth

The 3 elements in this breeding combination are earth, cold & lightning. The earth regular hybrid, with the shortest breed time, is Quake.

Taurian dragon breed stats

3.2% breeding chance, means you need 22 attempts for a 50/50 chance. The average fail time is 13.27 hours, which means 12.17 read more

Dragonvale – Camping Event 2022 – Breed an Aquarian Dragon

A new zodiac dragon has arrived, with a specific parent and an element required to breed an Aquarian dragon.

Aquarian Dragon Announcement

Midnight + air

Midnight shares earth, cold & dark (even though it’s made by combining a Moon dragon (which shares cold & lightning) with a dark element … more on that below), so the regular air dragon hybrid with the shortest breed time is Snow. With an 8 hour breed time, it read more