Dragonvale – Paradise Event 2021 – Breeding a Lazuli Dragon

The second limited event dragon is here, with another set breeding pair.

Lazuli Dragon Announcement

Lazuli Dragon

There are 4 regular elements in the mix; plant, fire, earth & metal; which can result in the following dragons, with the following fail times.

Lazuli dragon breed stats

Those dragons will give an average fail time of just over 16 hours. Lazuli dragon has a 4% chance, which means 17 attempts needed for a 50/50 shot. That will take 11.39 days. Breeding non stop for the 7 days it’s available, will give you a 36% chance read more

Dragonvale – Paradise Event 2021 – Breeding a Gawk Dragon

The first limited of the event has arrived. And it’s a treasure.

Gawk Dragon Announcement


It has a specific breeding pair, so let’s get straight to it.

Gawk dragon breed stats

Gold + Regal shares plant, fire, water, air, metal & light. A lot of golden hybrids, limiteds and epics. The 4% breeding chance of Gawk drops to 2.38%. 29 attempts required for a break even chance of breeding one. And all those epics and long fails mean 14.39 hours average fail time. 17.38 days read more

Dragonvale – Paradise Event 2021 – Pirates in Paradise

A new event has kicked off, and as usual there are 3 permanent event dragons that can only be bought for magic, or cloned in the CBC. In Alphabetical order, the first, and very pirate themed dragon, is the …

Ahoy Dragon

It shares fire, earth, water and air when you clone with it, making Mud the regular hybrid with the shortest breed time.

Ahoy dragon clone with Mud

10% cloning chance, as always, means 7 attempts are needed for a 50/50 shot of getting one. Average fail time when cloning with Mud is 12.44 hours, read more